Sometimes it can be hard to hear from God, especially when we try to live faithfully on our own. My hope is that these words may be an encouragement. Know that as you travel along your own path, you are in good company.

"And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had." -Acts 2:44

Sunday, June 6, 2010

In This Moment

Have you ever stopped for a second to take a big breath? Sometimes when I do this, I realize how rushed I have been or how little time I spend focusing on the moment I'm living right now instead of on things in the past or in the future.

God has been teaching me about how to live one moment at a time. It's so easy to forget! Whenever I do remember, though, it's such a freeing feeling. Right here, right now, I am loved and redeemed. I look to God and focus on following him in this moment, waiting on his guidance. His nearness is my strength (Psalm 73).

I just arrived in Minneapolis yesterday, and I start work tomorrow. I have felt so overwhelmed by so many new things, but it helps to know that all I have to do is look to God in this moment. I'm so glad that I can rest in the strength of his presence knowing that each moment he will be there to guide me.

Living in the moment helps me relax and be able to enjoy living, too. It's like when the mother in My Big Fat Greek Wedding says, "I gave you life so that you could live it." I think God has done the same for us. He freed us to live in freedom. Letting go of things I can't control, like all the moments yet to come, is freeing for me.

1 comment:

  1. :) I hope you're enjoying your first week in Minneapolis.
