Sometimes it can be hard to hear from God, especially when we try to live faithfully on our own. My hope is that these words may be an encouragement. Know that as you travel along your own path, you are in good company.

"And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had." -Acts 2:44

Friday, May 21, 2010

Do I have what it takes?

I race in NCAA track regionals next week, and I can't help but feel a little anxious. Often before a meet, I start doubting whether I will be able to perform to certain expectations. Sometimes I let the pressure and worry take away from the joy of the experience, which I think can happen in other areas of life, too.

Have you ever asked yourself, "Am I going to be good enough? Do I have what it takes? What if I fail?" Diane Gulyas, president of DuPont Performance Polymers, said the experiences where you learn the most are the ones with a chance that you will fail.

Still, I'd rather have confidence going into the race. Yesterday on my run, I started thinking about how God has already given me everything I need to serve his purposes, which includes running. I don't have to worry about my performance because I have confidence that I am ready for how he wants to use me (thanks to his work in me), and that's all that matters.

Maybe I've been asking, "Do I have what it accomplish my purposes?" to which the answer is uncertain, instead of asking, "Do I have what it accomplish God's purposes?" The answer to this one is always a resounding YES!

"This is my desire, to be used by You." -Jeremy Camp

1 comment:

  1. yeah! Keep leaning on truth, focusing on truth, believing in truth! i love hearing what God is showing you! we loved having you here last night!
