Sometimes it can be hard to hear from God, especially when we try to live faithfully on our own. My hope is that these words may be an encouragement. Know that as you travel along your own path, you are in good company.

"And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had." -Acts 2:44

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Love & Personalities

I'm an ISFJ. This comes from the Myers-Briggs/Jung Personality test ( and ( If you have taken it yourself, you may be able to tell whether we would get along well or not :) (

Although I know this is only one test, I found it comforting to realize that much of how I see the world comes from how God created me. It was also reassuring to think about the variety of personalities he created and what a blessing this spectrum of perspectives can be. At the same time, it can also be frustrating when we see things or communicate differently than others. In these cases, it seems especially important to try to step into the other person's point of view. I have to constantly remind myself to seek understanding first.

Looking at the ways the personalities interact reminded me of another truth. Loving others and having deep, close relationships with others are two separate things. People will naturally connect differently depending on factors like their personalities. Yes, I know this seems obvious when written down, but it's amazing how often I expect to form great relationships with everyone I meet and then feel discouraged when it doesn't happen.

Maybe it's a function of MY personality, but I feel a need to love everyone I'm with to the best of my ability. I've discovered lately that this doesn't have to mean serving every need they have. This would not be a sustainable base for a friendship. I think Jesus exemplifies how to love everyone while still maintaining different levels of relationships with them.