Sometimes it can be hard to hear from God, especially when we try to live faithfully on our own. My hope is that these words may be an encouragement. Know that as you travel along your own path, you are in good company.

"And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had." -Acts 2:44

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Sometimes I forget how few things I really need.

Living in Minneapolis with a bike makes me more strategic about my shopping. Sometimes I can't get everything I need right away. I said "need" but I often come to find out that those things I thought I "needed" I can actually live just as well without.

I often struggle with spending money on things I don't actually need. It's so hard sometimes to decide what those things are. It seems that if I lived somewhere that limited my material possessions, I would be forced to make these decisions more often.

At the same time, I don't want spending to become consuming, like an idol where I focus too many thoughts and worries. Any advice?

Friday, July 2, 2010

Eyes on God

Although I'm adapting to the social life in Minneapolis, I still struggle sometimes with feeling uncomfortable in new situations. It's hard to remember to keep my eyes focused on God when I'm so unsure about what's going on around me.

Last night, I really sensed God telling me to wait on his guidance. He reminded me to have an attitude of surrender to him, living my life for him and not for me. An amzaing thing happened - I went out with friends, and I didn't feel self-conscious or worried like I often do! When I framed the night as a chance to love the people I was with according to how God showed me, my insecurities faded.

I wonder if this is a glimpse of what God desires for us always - to have such confidence and trust in him that we feel completely at peace. Somehow he reassured me throughout the night that as long as my eyes were on him, my actions would fall in line with honoring him. I didn't stress over doing the right things to please him. He took away that anxiety and replaced it with his presence.